Monday, March 29, 2010

Evelyn Beatrice

Evelyn Beatrice was born March 24, 2010 at 1:31 PM.
She weighed 8lbs 13oz and is 20ins long.

Mommy was very tired after labor, can you tell?

Going home
Mommy is ready. (man they aren't kidding when they say you go home still looking like you are 6 months preggo! belly has gone down a bunch since then)

Love love LOVE! this picture!!!

tummy time

Evelyn just woke up. will post about the birth later when I have both hands free...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I know many of you ladies who read my blog love you some Martha.


I just found out about a fabu offer to get a year of Martha Stewart Living (the magazine) for FREE!!!!!!

Go here and get yours, I just did...

Hurry though, I don't know how long this offer is going to last!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

By Request...

39.5 weeks
Come on baby! It's time to leave. I promise you there is much more room for you to stretch and kick out here... please?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Goings on...

My birthday was on Friday, Kyle was sweet and planned a little surprise family party for me... Chinese food, birthday cake, 3 kinds of ice cream, presents and family! a good night!

Today Kyle went to the grocery store and came back with the groceries and GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! I love me some Caramel Delights!

Still nothing from Baby Girl. She is hanging out and not looking like she is coming out anytime soon. Don't know if the Castor Oil is doing anything yet, hopefully it has, we see the doctor on Monday again, I hope it's good news! I have been doing "research" online for ideas on how to start labor. So, I have been periodically bouncing on my yoga ball, since I can't go curb walking or jumping on trampolines like Kate did. I also had Kyle pick up some Pineapple, (Mango was expensive and there were no Kiwis) they are supposed to help start labor. I will probably have him go to Jamba Juice tomorrow and get me a Mega Mango smoothie, it has Mango and Pineapple Juice... Tried having spicy food yesterday for lunch, but spice just gives me heartburn now (which is a bummer since I like spicy!) Planning to ask the doctor about Red Raspberry Leaf tea, it's supposed to help start things too. I know we are only at 38.5 weeks but I am so ready to be off of bed rest and for this baby to be born! I am hoping for early next week... *sigh* patience is not a very strong virtue in me.

Oh! I got my diapers this week too! I found them for about 2 dollars cheaper than anywhere else I had seen from an store. We had wanted to get all white ones, but these came in a "gender neutral" color pack so we have a few different colors, some I wouldn't have picked as "gender neutral" but diapers are diapers and I am glad we have them before Baby Girl gets here!

Off to finish watching The Sound of Music with the Sing-Along setting turned on!! and maybe to eat half of my box of Caramel Delights!! with a Pineapple chaser... ^_^

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's about time!

Kyle finally got full authorization today to work from home! He has had 1/2 the permission that he has needed for about a week and a half now, but it was for a project that he isn't so focused on currently, which did us no good at all! But now he can be at home which will make life quite a bit easier for the next couple weeks until this girl decides to show up!!

Thank you Lord for all that you give us in your good timing.

Quilt help

Hi my friends!

For those of you who have made quilts for your littles, or just in general, do you have any tip, hints, ideas, or links for pretty quilts that are easy-ish to make?

I want to make a quilt for Baby Girl but am not sure where to start.

Do you have a particular pattern that you just love?

Note: I have only ever done a basic patch block quilt and I never fully finished it, no binding, backing or anything, just the top.

I don't know if I want to do a twin size or crib size yet... or something else.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Castor oil is...

...DISGUSTING! absolutely and completely gross and disgusting!

At least it doesn't taste bad. But the texture, the slime, ugh.

At my 38 week appointment yesterday I wasn't dilated or anything, and because of the toxemia worries she really wants to get stuff moving along, so she told me to start taking castor oil every day.

I am happy that she is letting things progress more naturally, rather than just sending me in to be induced, but the castor oil is just nasty.

I tried taking it "au naturale" last night because the bottle says to preferably take it on an empty stomach without anything, but the slime texture was just too much for me, I ended up spiting it out in the sink and gagging a bit. It didn't help that Kyle was reminiscing about when he was a kid and his mom would punish them by making them take castor oil and how gross it was and how he hated it (after I took it he remembered that it was probably cod liver oil instead because it smelled and tasted nasty). I then mixed it with orange juice and chugged it, only 1T, and tonight will be the same, and then starting tomorrow night I "get" to take 2T each night. *shudder*

I really hope this works... she didn't recommend anything else, so this is pretty much it for now, and since I am still on bed rest I can't really do the other things to jump start labor, like going for walks, light exercise, etc. (I am seriously considering doing jumping jacks when I get up to go pee and stuff though... anything to get this going!)

Speaking of bed rest, I was a little shocked and hurt and amused yesterday. The doctor said that she has her bets against me that I would do well on bed rest. She thought I wouldn't behave and stay down, keep my BP looking good, or get as far as I have. Well, I showed her! ^_^

That's all I got for now... hopefully I will have good news soon!