Friday, July 25, 2008

MN trip and a Wedding

I got to go out to Minnesota last weekend to visit family and go to my cousin Rob's wedding! This was the first time that I had seen my cousins in about 6 years! It was wonderful to see them and catch up, I miss them dearly, but on the bright side I get to see them in October in North Carolina for my cousin Elizabeth's wedding! Seeing them again in less than 3 months is unheard of in our family!! I don't think we have ever managed that, but it is so exciting and wonderful, I can't wait! That trip will be great too, because Kyle will get to meet all of them for the first time!

Anyway, on to the pictures....

The first night in MN we went to the Guthrie Theatre to see a play "The Inspector General" it was very funny!

The Sibs at the Guthrie Ben, Me, Abby

Mommy and Daddy

The Bridal Party

The Groom's Party

Rob and Mo

First Kiss!

They were very nice when it came to the cake


That's Laura in the Middle, the youngest in their family

Elizabeth's on the right, she's the oldest and that's Rob Hugging Aunt Jill on the Left

Aunt Jill and Uncle Jeff

Their House.

Hume Lake

I had a great time up at Hume Lake with the Student Ministries group a couple weeks ago. The speaker PJ Lewis was phenomenal! very convicting and straight forward. He spoke on just the basic christian truths that we so often forget in our lives, who God is, What/Who Sin is and how it controls us, ect.

I had a cabin full of Sophmore girls, that was interesting! and so fun!

Yay Spirit Day! and silly boys who don't wait for you to finish posing before they take your picture...

I got a lovely stripe down my forehead from the makeup after I got burnt...

I love this lake!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Favorite quote of the day...

"I don't have none of those little baby angels who shoot arrows into your butt! I've got Marine angels! My angels are ripped, they've got brush cuts, and if they weren't carrying swords they'd be carrying M16s! That's my kind of angel!" ... I reminded him of the first words out of their mouths every single time an angel appears in the Bible - "Do not be afraid"! I told him why that is - because they're so frightening that they make you wet yourself when they show up! ... I reminded him that THOSE guys were the ones that God was using for ... protection, not those little baby angels who shoot arrows in your butt!"

Taken from the blog Day 18, July 3
Connor is a young man that Kyle's family knows. If you happen to check out the website, please lift the Williamson family up in your prayers. I mentioned the site a couple weeks ago.

Also Christal has put me on to the Stuff Christians Like blog. It is rather funny! You should check it out!