Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Good news first...
I found and bought a glider rocker and ottoman for only $75 on Craigslist!!!!! This was the only thing on my **Must have for the nursery** list, the ottoman was key, I can fall asleep in one of those rocking a baby to sleep so easy!!!

Bad news...
I forgot to ask if it came from a smoking home... it did... so now I am trying to get out all the smoky icky cigarette smell. I have already doused it with Febreze,
but in case that doesn't work...

Do you have any idea's/tips for getting cigarette smells out of the cushions? They are removable (if that makes any difference) except for the one on the ottoman.

Also, this is the first piece of baby furniture we bought! wheee!!!


Mama Mote said...

How cool...and how not cool. Hopefully the Febreze will work for you. I don't know if that and airing out the cushions outside would help. Someone may have better advice. But, that's great you were able to get the glider AND ottoman. That would have been nice, but my rocker/recliner was good for me. I can't believe how many people are having babies and getting married. I need to update my list. Hope things are going well with the job and everything else.

Kate said...

yes.... wash all the covers and then spray the cushions with resolve and air out for a few days... it should work

Priscilla Rynning said...

fabreze worked wonders for me with the same problem also, if you can, put it outside during and after you spray it

Jeannett said...

I also think you should not just air them outside, but have it out in the SUN. Somethign about sunlight helps disinfect and whatnot. Good luck. Worst case scenario I suppose you could sell it again on CL and then find another one???

Kristen Borland said...

ugh. i hate cigarette smell, and i'm allergic to the smoke/smell. i have no ideas. sorry. :( but it's fun that you are getting your nursery together!!

Brianna Heldt said...

So fun! My sister-in-law had this same issue with something she bought off of CL, and apparently coal (yes, it sounds weird) is supposed to help. She put it in the drawers of the dresser and it's working. Not sure how you could apply that to a chair/ottoman tho...good luck!