Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Good news first...
I found and bought a glider rocker and ottoman for only $75 on Craigslist!!!!! This was the only thing on my **Must have for the nursery** list, the ottoman was key, I can fall asleep in one of those rocking a baby to sleep so easy!!!

Bad news...
I forgot to ask if it came from a smoking home... it did... so now I am trying to get out all the smoky icky cigarette smell. I have already doused it with Febreze,
but in case that doesn't work...

Do you have any idea's/tips for getting cigarette smells out of the cushions? They are removable (if that makes any difference) except for the one on the ottoman.

Also, this is the first piece of baby furniture we bought! wheee!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Win a $30 gc to Jewelry by Artwark

Go here
to find out more about this jewelry give-away.

This jewelry is soooo beautiful!

You really need to go here and look at all of her things, beautiful, trendy, and kind of vintage too...
Etsy site is here http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5762558

Here are some of my favorites....




Good luck to you if you enter... I hope I win one!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Guess what???

We are going to be parents!

I am about 12 weeks along right now (according to baby's size) and due March 17th, although I am a bit skeptical about that since they tell me something different every time we go see the doctor...

We wanted to wait until the first ultrasound to tell people (other than immediate family) just to make sure the baby was okay... so that is why we are only telling now... Personally I think the due date is the first week of April, but size wise, the doctor says earlier (never mind the fact that we are pretty dang sure on conception date because we track my temperature). So for now we go with what the doctor says and we will see who's right!

We are beyond excited!

Got to see the baby for the first time today at the 1st trimester ultrasound (that's the picture above). I was so excited that we got a really clear picture right off the bat, as soon as the doctor turned on the ultrasound I knew exactly where the head was and could make out the little feet and hands!!!! It was so amazing when they switched it over to the 3D picture, so clear! Baby is already camera shy, turned it's back to us real quick when we switched to 3D! Baby also was moving, a lot! Not even 3 months and they are going to be a kicker (I am wondering if they will want to take Tae Kwon Do like Daddy did)!

I haven't had too much pregnancy symptoms, some nausea, no throwing up though (a blessing and a curse), tiredness, highly hormonal... you know, the usual. But so far I have felt really good! I hope it continues!